What’s Next?

Connecting Dots
2 min readJan 23, 2022

In the past 10 years of my professional and personal journey, I was able to do well (based on the metrics I judge myself on). Over the past few years, there has been a constant voice in my head about the next thing that I would want to work on. The best way to find the answer to this question is that one should try to exploit his/her own curiosity — what are the things you find yourself doing and enjoying in your free time which can be explored further as something you can build your career on?

For me, the answer lay in connecting the dots by learning about history, philosophy, economics, geopolitics, technology, start-ups, de-coding the incidents that happened in history, and trying to predict the future. Till now, I have just been scratching the surface of all the subjects and I can never say that I am an expert in any of the above.

Based on the above subjects, I find mixing technology and business would be the best fit for me and it would help me explore the macro side of things more than just a deep dive into technology.

This article is more toward my own learning path if it helps someone else in the future.



Connecting Dots

Learning by doing, seeking the truth of the modern world—taking one step at a time.